It has been fifty years since the sun died over Ashathar.

Blaike was born in the blight. As one of the "touched" he is devoid of power.

He is forbidden from following the Lightweaver Path.

Many of the "touched" still serve the brightlands, working the mines to extract sunstone; to deliver it to the Lightweavers, the saviors, preservers, and rulers of Ashathar.

The largest sunstone ever extracted from the mines has been found. It could empower the brightlands for a decade. When it is discovered that someone stole the sunstone's power, Blaike is exiled from the brightlands. Was he really to blame? Can he survive the blight? Or, is there a larger threat than the Lightweavers ever realized that could destroy Ashathar once and for all?

Ming Yue is the daughter of a brewer. The Ming clan's elixers have supported those on the Lightweaver path for a half-century.

Yue's twin brother was taken by the blighted when they were children. But when she's denied access to the Lightweaver path, since she is not the first-born child of her clan, Yue's father tasks her to create an elixer that might save her brother from the blight.

He's the only chance the Ming clan has to ascend in prominence amongst the brightborn, to remain among the Lightweavers for the next generation.

But there is no guarantee that Yue's brother has survived among the blighted. Would he remember her at all? Is the mysterious figure, found in the blight, truly her brother--or is he someone else, someone who might challenge the dominance of the Lightweavers and the security of Ashathar?


Two paths. A single journey.

Blaike has followed the blightmage's direction. His new power invigorates his body.

The sunstone mines are nearly exhausted.

The reigning Brightlord, Lightweaver Jor Mel, is hording sunstones to consolidate his power.

Blaike must make a choice.

Will he return to the Brightlands to expose the Brightlord? Or, will he allow the people of Ashathar to suffer as the sunstone towers fail?

Ming Yue is following the Lightweaver Path in secret.

Her elixir worked! She's now Ember.

The sacred laws declare that any who advance naturally should be granted formal admission to the path.

This is Yue's only chance to redeem her clan's honor.

When the Lightweavers discover her methods, that she's forced her advancement through elixirs, the council votes to exile the Ming clan.

There is only one chance to save her clan and restore her family's honor.

She must challenge a Radiant for a seat on the Lightweaver council.

How can an Ember possibly hope to defeat a clan lord two levels her senior?


There's more than one way to destroy a world.

The gods detected a threat.

Batara Kala is preparing to launch another Kataklysm.

What is his plan?

Fire from the heavens? The spread of disease? A worldwide flood?

Blaike must find Ming Yue.

He hasn't seen her since they were both young Embers.

Did she advance to Luminary? Is she prepared to follow the path to Radiant?

Will two Radiants be enough to challenge Batara Kala?

None of that will matter if Blaike can't find her.

Even together, are two Radiants enough to defeat a god and save the world?



T.R. Magnus is the elven half-brother of the urban and paranormal fantasy author Theophilus Monroe. Unlike his brother, T.R. writes immersive epics and cultivation/progression fantasies. He enjoys creating expansive worlds, unique magical systems, and plots that favor the unfavored. T.R. goes by T.R. because Thranduil Ravavaris is hard to say.

T.R.'s favorite color is plaid. Ketchup is his favorite condiment. He enjoys polka music.